Workshop 1


Meet the poets

Giovanni Baudonck

Giovanni Baudonck, born in 1976, boasts a diverse artistic portfolio as an actor, word artist, and theater maker. Based in Belgium and the Netherlands, Giovanni has been captivating audiences since 2013 with his powerful word performances on stage. In 2017, he was honored as the vice-champion at the Belgian Poetry Slam Championship. Giovanni’s contribution to the Letterenhuis event WORDt 2020, showcasing a notebook filled with his own thought-provoking texts, ideas, and personal messages, further solidifies his place in the literary realm. Though the digital era has allowed his work to reach broader audiences, Giovanni’s heart lies in live performances, where he shares his essence with the mesmerized spectators.

Jaan Malini (Luulur)

Jaan Malini, also known as Luulur, is a remarkable Estonian poet, artist curator, and editor/publisher, born in 1960. His extensive body of work comprises 10 collections of poetry, a book of prose poems, an asemantic novel, two plays, and a CD featuring sound poems. In 2009, he achieved significant recognition by securing the 3rd place at the Eurpean Poetry Slam Days in Berlin, where he mesmerized the audience with his captivating sound poetry performances. Jaan’s profound involvement in surrealism and admiration for the first Estonian surrealist, Ilmar Laaban, have inspired him to compile bilingual collections of Laaban’s translations, poems, palindromes, and a bibliography. With an illustrious membership in various prestigious societies, Jaan Malini is an influential figure in the Estonian artistic community.

Maja Jantar

Maja Jantar, a multitalented artist, ceramicist, and director residing in Isokyrö, Finland, showcases her brilliance across various artistic realms. As a co-founder of the poetic group Krikri, Maja has been captivating audiences throughout Europe since 1996 with her multilingual and polysonic performances. Her artistic journey spans performance, music, poetry, ceramics, and visual arts. Maja’s visual poetry has graced exhibits across different countries, and her sound publications have gained recognition on prominent platforms. Her recent solo LP release, In/Canti, has further solidified her status as a rising star in the artistic world.

Eleonora Fisco (Facciangelica)

Eleonora Fisco, better known as Facciangelica, is a talented Sicilian poet and performer, born in 1997. Her exceptional abilities have led her to numerous poetry shows and slams throughout Italy, where she impressively earned the title of national finalist in the Italian poetry slam championship in both 2019 and 2022. Aside from her awe-inspiring performances, Eleonora is a dedicated researcher, teacher, and event organizer. Her profound reflection on generational, family, and feminist themes resonates deeply with her audience, as she delves into topics like Sicilian roots, female education, and the transformative power of rebellion.

Sergio Garau

Sergio Garau, a poetic force hailing from Sardinia and born in 1982, has been captivating audiences with his poetry and spoken word performances since 2001. An accomplished editor and translator, Sergio’s works have been published in numerous forms, including paper, records, and online platforms. His outstanding achievements in the international poetry slam, videopoetry, and literature festivals have earned him well-deserved accolades. Sergio’s expertise in digital poetry, along with his linguistic prowess in nine European languages, further cements his position as a true linguistic and artistic virtuoso.

 photo’s by Ludwika Białkowska

Workshop 2


Meet the poets

Lan Sticker

Lan Sticker, born in St. Jakob, Rosental in 1995, is a brilliant jazz-drumset player and percussionist. Having studied at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Lan has collaborated with esteemed musicians such as Skúli Sverrisson, Peter Herbert, Primus Sitter, and Tonč Feinig. His dynamic performances as a Live- and Studiodrummer in various bands, including Delta Concept, Kit Cut, and Oh Alien, have earned him admiration in the music scene.

Robert Prosser

Robert Prosser, born in Alpbach, Tyrol in 1983, is a prolific writer and performance artist. He has crafted masterpieces such as “Gemma Habibi” and “Phantoms,” published by Ullstein in 2017 and 2019, respectively. Robert’s literary prowess has garnered him various accolades, including a prestigious Residency-Scholarship in Sri Lanka in 2021 and a nomination for the German Book Prize in 2017.

Gyenge Veroni

Gyenge Veroni, a vibrant slam poet hailing from Slovakia as a Hungarian minority, has taken the poetry world by storm. As the winner of the ninth Hungarian National Poetry Slam Championship in 2021 and a finalist in the World Championship, Gyenge’s performances are a fusion of dance, rap, and spoken word, bouncing through life with joy and authenticity. Unafraid of taboos, Gyenge seeks to showcase beauty in imperfection and shares her opinions fearlessly through her poetry in Slovak, Hungarian, and English.

Iva Damjanovski

Meet Iva Damjanovski, a gifted musician and poet with a passion for artistic expression. As a student at the University of Trento, Italy, and the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, Macedonia, Iva immerses herself in the world of musicology, piano performance, and composition. Her poetry has graced numerous anthology books and literary magazines, with her debut book “Тие” receiving the prestigious “Igor Isakovski” award for best debut poetry book in 2017. Iva’s poetic prowess has been celebrated globally, with translations of her work in multiple languages.

Malin Gustavsson

Meet Malin Gustavsson, a 25-year-old slam poet hailing from Malmö, Sweden. For the past five years, she has been an active member of the Swedish performance poetry community. In May 2022, Malin secured victory in the national poetry slam competition, earning well-deserved recognition for her enthralling performances. Her poetic prowess has graced stages across Sweden, including the prestigious international poetry festival, Ordsprak in Uppsala. As she prepares to compete in the European poetry slam championship in Rome this December, Malin’s verses explore the intricacies of modern human existence, blending everyday details with profound societal issues, all with a playful linguistic flair. When not performing, she delves into the world of linguistics as a master’s student at Lund University. At our website, we celebrate Malin Gustavsson’s talent, which continues to captivate audiences and elevate the realm of slam poetry.

Magdalena Walusiak

Magdalena Walusiak, a wanderer at heart, embraces various forms of artistic expression. As a songwriter, slammer, and performer, she uses her body as an instrument to convey compelling stories and spoken ballads. The champion of Warsaw Slam 2019 and Wrocław Slam 2022, Magdalena’s true victory lies in connecting with her audience and sparking discussions about her poetic journey. Her unique performances, such as “Tales from Sand and Water” and “Romances and Other Ballads,” have been celebrated for their poignant portrayal of love and life.

Workshop 3


Supported by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. 

Hosted by renowned Schools of Arts:

  1. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College of Applies Sciences and Arts, Antwerp (BE)
  2. School of Arts, Design and Architecture AALTO University, Helsinki (FI)
  3. Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw (PL)

In collaboration with European planetariums:

  1. Sihtasutus Teaduskeskus AHHAA, Tartu (EST)
  2. Die Wiener Volkshochschule GMBH, Vienna (AUST)
  3. Ayuntamiento de A Coruña, Coruna (ES)
  4. Koninklijke Belgische Sterrenwacht, Brussel (BE)