Our Approach

Leveraging Slam Poetry for Audience Expansion and Artistic renewal.

At UTM, we recognise the power of slam poetry as a vibrant vector of audience expansion and literary renewal. we harness the energy and diversity of slam poetry to breathe new life into the literary sector, particularly in urban and culturally diverse contexts. 

Exploring the Untapped Potential of Immersive Technology.

Immersive technology had gained significant traction across the cultural and creative industries. However, its potential within the literary creation realm remains largely untapped. Urban Travel Machines aims to bridge this gap by leveraging the expertise within European art schools, particularly in visual arts, to explore and unlock the full potential of immersive technology for literary expression.

Harnessing 3D Projection Technology in Scientific Planetariums. 

UTM takes advantage of the advanced tech infrastructure available in four scientific planetariums located in Tartu, Vienna, La Coruna, and Brussels. By redefining 3D projection technology, we create captivating and immersive digital storytelling experiences. This integration of technology and literature creates a unique and engaging platform for poetry performance. n

Collaborative Efforts

A Consortium of Art Schools and Planetariums.

Urban Travel Machines is a collaborative effort between three esteemed art schools: Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College of Applies Sciences and Arts, Antwerp (BE) as the project leader and coordinator, School of Arts, Design and Architecture – AALTO University, Helsinki (FI), and Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw (PL). Together, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in the creative arts.

Rich Experience in EU-Funded Projects. 

Our consortium had collectively participated in 35 relevant EU-funded projects since 2018. This extensive experience ensures that UTM in built upon a solid foundation of successful collaborations, innovations and effective project management.

Our Goals

Hosting Immersive Poetry Festivals for an Enthralling Experience.

UTM will organise, four two-day Immersive Poetry Festivals held in the planetariums of Tartu, La Coruna, Vienna, and Brussels. These festivals wil coincide with existing literary events and offer a captivating fusion of poetry performance and immersive technology. We anticipate a combined live audience of 1,500 visitors, creating an unforgettable and immersive experience for poetry enthusiast. 

Facilitating Collaborative Creation Courses for Immersive Environments. 

Collaborative Creation Courses will take place at art schools in Antwerp, Helsinki, and Warsaw. Poetry performers and visual art students will join forces to co-produce 360° immersive environments specifically designed for the Immersive Poetry Festivals. Under the guidance of Immersive specialists, these courses will ignite creativity and push the boundaries of literary expression. 

Folterung Immersive Storytelling Labs and Youth Labs for Learning and Exploration. 

UTM will establish two online Immersive Storytelling Labs for professionals in the cultural and creative industries. Additionally, we will organise four Poetry Youth Labs to engage creative youths. These initiatives will provide a platform for learning, exploration, and experimentation in the field of immersive storytelling. Furthermore, three Immersive Creator Exchanges will bring together visual artists for knowledge sharing and collaboration. 

Partner Institutions

Our consortium is comprised of three renowned Schools of Arts

  1. Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College of Applies Sciences and Arts, Antwerp (BE) 
  2. School of Arts, Design and Architecture – AALTO University, Helsinki (FI)
  3. Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw (PL) 

Four European planetariums

  1. Sihtasutus Teaduskeskus AHHAA, Tartu (EST)
  2. Die Wiener Volkshochschule GMBH, Vienna (AUST)
  3. Ayuntamiento de A Coruña, Coruna (ES)
  4. Koninklijke Belgische Sterrenwacht, Brussel (BE)

Funding and Support

UTM is supported by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. Their support enables ur to bring our vision to life and contribute tot the development of the literary sector in Europe through  immersive technology. 

Explore our website to learn more about UTM and join us on this exiting journey of artistic innovation and engagement. 

Project Initiators and Coördinators

Meet Philip Meersman, Janna Beck, Olga Wroniewicz, and Tarja Nieminen, the passionate individuals who initiated the UTM project. Coordinated by Drs. Philip Meersman for Maxlab, their expertise and dedication ensure the success of the initiative.

Supported by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. 

Hosted by renowned Schools of Arts:

  1. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College of Applies Sciences and Arts, Antwerp (BE)
  2. School of Arts, Design and Architecture AALTO University, Helsinki (FI)
  3. Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw (PL)

In collaboration with European planetariums:

  1. Sihtasutus Teaduskeskus AHHAA, Tartu (EST)
  2. Die Wiener Volkshochschule GMBH, Vienna (AUST)
  3. Ayuntamiento de A Coruña, Coruna (ES)
  4. Koninklijke Belgische Sterrenwacht, Brussel (BE)
